“A story about the source of challenge coins”

The historical roots of the “challenge coin” can be traced back to the Roman Empire’s generals by giving coins to reward soldiers for their achievements. The use in the US military probably originated from World War I. The most well-known story about challenge coins comes from an American fighter pilot who was shot down and landed on hostile German territory during World War I. The pilot was captured and detained in a temporary detention center, but soon he had a chance to escape because of the British bombing.

He successfully avoided German patrols in civilian clothing, reached the front line, ventured across no man’s land, and found a French outpost. Since spies and saboteurs have been haunting the French, the French thought he was a saboteur and prepared to shoot him. Before his execution, he showed the executioner the only personal item he was carrying-a challenge coin from his squadron. A French soldier recognized the US military badge on the challenge coin, so they suspended the execution and finally confirmed it. The true identity of the American pilot.

In the end, a bottle of French wine replaced the bullet that was originally prepared for him. All this is due to the challenge coin he brought with him.